Saturday, April 2, 2011

This is my final design (i hope) for my polish vodka label and packaging. I changed the font into a more polish looking one called 'Boston Traffic' and I got rid of my google image and replaced the space with more markings like those I created on the cork of the bottle. In my previous design I tried to work on the 3D view and it was obvious as it just didnt look right. This time I created the design on a flat surface and then used the 'skew' tool in Photoshop to place the image onto the 3D view. I also added the Heraldic sign on the back above the barcode. I changed the text on the cork and box front to vertical text as the letters didn't sit straight when I had them on top of eachother in my previous work.

All over view

Bottle view

Front and side view of vodka box

Back and side view of vodka box

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